Tuesday, January 11, 2011

27 Weeks and the Cold Finally Hits

The head cold, that is. I don't live in one of these places that's gotten dumped on with a bunch of snow or anything. But I've held off so well in catching any kind virus thus far in my pregnancy. I guess I had to succumb at some point--hopefully for the last time!

I do think I'm on the mend and am heading to my new acupuncturist who's offered me a fantastic discount for treatments to see if I can give this virus the final kick in the head. Pete and I are heading off on our attempt at a babymoon tomorrow--I'm tagging along with him on a conference he has in Long Beach, then we're skipping out on part of it to spend a couple of nights in San Diego--so I would definitely like to be over it soon!

Speaking of acupuncture...my digestion really has been much better over the past week. I guess the combination of a few acupuncture treatments and the herbs I've been taking for it (promised to be safe during pregnancy) have really helped. My acupuncturist wants me to do about 4-6 more treatments for it, and then hopefully the gas will be gone for a while. I did have another bad night last night, where a silly gas bubble kept me up for several hours, and am feeling the effects of the late night today. But this was the first bad night in about a week and a half, and I was having them every few nights before that. Improvement, right?

On the anxiety front, I've been doing pretty well, thank God. I've stayed away from stillbirth/pre-term labor horror stories, for the most part at least. I do still have moments of concern on evenings when I feel like I have 10-15 Braxton Hicks contractions in the course of a few hours. But they usually go away when I lay in bed at night, and I rarely have them during the day. So maybe my uterus will just be in better shape than if I hadn't had them until the third trimester! Also, I sometimes wonder if what feels like a BH contraction is actually just the baby rolling or pushing his body into one part of my uterus. They are definitely lopsided sometimes--one side of my ute gets really firm and sticks out while the other stays soft--which is a very strange feeling (and strange looking!).

Anyway, may all of you in the bloggy world stay healthy and resistant to the icky cold and flu viruses spreading their tentacles far and wide!


Ashley said...

I'm asking this because you are super close to where I am at. (I am 26 weeks 2 days) How did you know that you were having BH contractions? I mean did you panic and call about them or did you just "know"? I feel like I have no idea what to expect!!! So far, I haven't felt anything out of the norm.

Ceejay said...

Ashley - I've been having them since around 20 weeks very irregularly. I knew from my OB's practice what they felt like and when to be concerned. It basically feels like your whole uterus tightens up. I wouldn't always be able to tell unless I put my hand on my abdomen and feel how tight it is. But they are only cause for concern if they become regular and are coming regularly every 15 minutes or so for several hours. Most women don't get--or at least notice--them until the third tri, so don't worry about it!

A m a n d a said...

Your acupuncturist sounds great, and very determined to help you! I'm sure it helps you to relax as well. I can't believe you're 27 weeks already!

Oak said...

I've been plagued with BH contractions since early on as well. I'm finally at the point where I don't really even pay attention to them anymore and that was a nice place to get to, let me tell ya! :)

The head cold sounds miserable. I had one at about 16 weeks followed by bronchitis at 24 weeks - I've never wanted medicine so bad in my life. I hope this passes quickly!

Lesley said...

I've got a cold right now too-- I hope it ends soon for both of us! ANd have a great trip to San Diego. Sounds really fun.

sienna said...

hope you get better soon!! i've been feeling BH contractions for a week and a half now (had 7 in 1.5 hours last week and freaked). but now, i'm wondering if maybe some of those were the baby rolling around. bc sometimes my stomach gets hard but not super super hard, so i feel like maybe the baby is just leaning into that part of the tummy? same thoughts as you. glad that you're staying relaxed and without any anxiety :o)

Kakunaa said...

I've scared a few people with my BH because they stop me in my tracks. And I've had the lopsided thing happen as well, and I am fairly certain that is babe, as the BH feel way more overall.

I hope your cold goes bye-bye and that you get to enjoy your babymoon! Wave "hey" at LBC for me! Go eat at ... oh, crap, can't remember. Greek restaurant at Cherry and Broadway??? I think Broadway. LOL. I used to work there :)

Anonymous said...

I felt a few BH in my 2nd tri and I have no idea if I'm experiencing them in my 3rd tri. My doctor said I am - I'm just not feeling them.

I too am down with a cold - it sucks and I cannot wait to kick it so I can feel better again. My head is thisclose to exploding on me.

AmyG said...

I felt my first BH around 20 weeks too. I get them frequently now, but sometimes it's hard to tell when it's a BH and when it's the baby stretching out.