Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 34 and Counting

I kept putting this post off because I keep hoping for a positive OPK, so I can jump on and give some good news. But still no positives, and still no temperature rise. However, my boobs have been pretty sore for the past few days, and I feel like I have a large follicle or two ready to burst. So, like I said, I keep expecting that dark second line every day. I will actually be pretty impressed with my body if I get it tomorrow day 35, as that's exactly when I got a positive on my last natural cycle.

I did have another lovely appointment with my darling acupuncturist Katy on Saturday--despite the fact that I was never able to really relax on the table for some reason. She was also a bit surprised that I hadn't ovulated yet, but she said that perhaps this could be my body's normal cycle. What will be more telling, in my opinion, is whether I get a normal-length luteal phase this round. My very first cycle after the pill (which was, like, a 150-day cycle or something insane like that), my LP was 9 days. I've been on progesterone suppositories every cycle since then, since my progesterone keeps measuring low. But Katy wants me to go all natural this time and see what my body will do with all Yang-warming herbs and needles. I'm a little nervous about that--I mean, what if an egg gets fertilized but then gets sloughed off too early because my period comes too soon? But I'm inclined to do what she says. Maybe, just maybe, my luteal phase will do what it's supposed to. Is that too much to ask?

I have to keep reminding myself that chinese medicine is not an instantaneous fix. It takes several months to really work for most people who get pregnant with it. My body has been off-kilter for a long time, so it only makes sense that it will take a while for it to, on-kilter. I'm choosing this route because I'm young and really have no objective reason to be as anxious as I am to get pregnant. And besides the fact that an RE would be astronomically expensive for us, which would interfere with all that we have planned for ourselves in the coming years, I also don't mind the idea of being able to avoid the insanity of medical fertility treatments.

But I do mind the idea of waiting longer to join the pregnancy club. More on that is coming soon...


Leslie said...

I like your acupuncturists' perspective that maybe this is your natural cycle length-- It means not trying to fit everyone into the 28-day box. But what was your cycle length before all this (back when you were a teen)? That might be a good indication of whether she is right.

I also think it sounds good to SEE what your body is up to naturally these days. Even though I agree that sounds scary (what if this is the one time??/ etc....).

Your acupuncturist sounds really smart!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do my ovulation happy dance for you on the day you ovulate. Talk about waiting and a test of patience!

Jos said...

Random question - I just bought a book that might help with this, but how do you know when in your cycle to be getting the acupuncture treatments? It costs me $60/time and that start to add up quickly!

Lynn said...

Really hoping you get a positive OPK tomorrow! It's so tough when O takes so long to get here. I'm on CD 69 today with no O, so I can sympathize.

I'd really like to try acupuncture sometime! It sounds like it would be great :D

Adele said...

Here's hoping that you get that dark second line SOON. I also agree that what Katy says makes sense - maybe you're just wired to have a longer cycle length. The 28 day model doesn't fit a lot of people.

My acupuncturist actually recommends extra progesterone for LP defect, but I also think it makes sense to see what your body is doing naturally (and the Pill can throw things out of whack!)

Mama Bear said...

((hugs)) its just so hard, sometimes!

Niki said...

I would trust your accupuncturist and if it doesn't work you can always go back to the suppositories(sp?) Either way I wish the best for you.

Rebecca said...

Hoping for good news for you soon!

Babysteps said...

I am a huge believer in acupuncture and herbs. I have had crazy, erratic, irregular cycles all my life. I have done acupuncture and herbs over the years, but never specifically for my cycles - or at least not for a set amount of time. I did acupuncture during my IVF cycles, but more specifically, I have been seeing my acupuncturist and taking herbs for the past year and a half to regulate my periods in between IVF cycles and I am now off of the herbs and took a break from acupuncture and have had 3 beautiful cycles on my own that are "regular" and it feels amazing!!! I am not a 28 day cycle girl.. I am a proud 33 day cycle girl!
So keep on doing what you are doing and I think your acupuncturist is onto something.
Hang in there and I'm here if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a positive OPK soon! I am hoping the acupuncturist is able to regulate your cycle soon. Best wishes!